Parent Pickup and Drop off Instructions

Parent Pickup and Drop off instructions
Posted on 09/07/2021

Drop off at the front of the school will remain unchanged from last year.

Parents/Guardians Looking to enter the school will need to wait until after all students have been screened and admitted to the building.  Parents and guardians must make an appointment ahead of time with a specific staff member before coming to school.  Email, phone calls and video conferencing is preferred over in person meetings.  The school will accommodate in person requests if absolutely necessary, but will do so by appointment only.  If a parent or guardian is simply dropping something off for a student they can do so between 9am and 2pm, but they will be asked to leave it in the foyer and will not be allowed into the building.  If the item being dropped off is medication a staff member will come to the foyer to receive it.

AM Student Drop off

Vehicles will enter Case Street from Broadway, as Case Street is One Way there are two lanes, vehicles should not unload students by stopping in the street.
Vehicles in the left lane should proceed past the bus garage turn left and the pull over where the Drop Off Zone Sign is located and have students exit quickly but safely from the right side of the vehicle. Student use the sidewalk and wait for the crossing guard to cross them to the school.  Cars cannot park or wait in the Drop Off Zone after students have exited the building.
Vehicles in the right lane should proceed past the main entrance crosswalk and the pull over where the Drop Off Zone Sign is located and have students exit quickly but safely from the right side of the vehicle. Student use the sidewalk to approach the school entrance.  Cars cannot park or wait in the Drop Off Zone after students have exited the building.
Drop off Map
Click the map for full size image
Once students have reached the large sidewalk in front of the school they will need to stand on one of the blue or yellow dots (dots are 6’ apart for social distancing).  
Students will stand on the dots until it is time to enter the building.  The school is asking that parents drop off no earlier than 7:40 and that walkers time their arrival to be at campus no earlier than 7:45.
Screening and entry to the building will begin at 7:45 for all elementary (K-5) students and at 7:45 for MSHS (6-12) students eating school breakfast.  MSHS (6-12) students not eating breakfast will be require to stand outside on one of the dots until 8am.  
Students that enter in the morning for breakfast will be required to remain inside.  They cannot enter for breakfast and then come back out to stand with friends or siblings.
Screening will be done through three different lines all located near the main entrance.  
1. Students that have a signed note from a parent stating the have been screened and do not have a temperature over 100.0 degrees will enter by giving the note to school staff at one desk.
2. Students whose parent screening them at home and entered online that the student does not have a temperature over 100.0 degrees will enter by telling school school staff, “my parent screened me online”.
3. Students that have Not been screened at home degrees will be screened at a separate desk and enter through a separate door near the main entrance.
The school is asking that parents make every effort to screen their children before sending or bringing them to campus.

Our ability to reopen school safely and ability to remain open is truly dependent on parent cooperation with home screening.  

Additionally we are strongly recommending using the online screening as this will be the most efficient way for screening to be verified and will expedite student entry in the morning.

Click Here to access the online student health screening form.

Parent Pickup Grades K-3

It is hopeful that this new procedure will not only help with required social distancing, but will reduce parking congestion.

Please remember there is no smoking on school property (that includes inside your vehicle). 
Also everyone that comes on campus must wear a mask.

K-3 pickup has been moved to the rear of the school. Please do not enter campus with your vehicle until 2:20 and please stay in you vehicle until 2:30.  Parents/guardians walking to pick up children please do not enter campus until 2:30.
At 2:20 vehicles can enter the rear entrance to campus (first entrance as you come up the hill on Broadway) proceed through the gate, turn right and travel around the track in a counterclockwise direction.
(Speed limit is 5mph or less)
Vehicles will pull all the way around the track and pull to the right and park.
At 2:30 one person from the vehicle may get out wearing a mask and walk up the sidewalk (please follow the yellow dots and arrows for social distancing).  When ready school Staff will open the rear door under the large brick overhang and help one person at a time.  Once your child/ren exit/s the building you will use the second side walk and covered staircase to return to the track, enter your vehicle and leave campus safely. (5 mph or less)
If you are walking to pick up your children you may enter campus (wearing a mask) at 2:30 through the gate and proceed to the pick up sidewalk.  Once your child exits the building you will use the second sidewalk to leave campus.

K-3 Pickup Map
Click the map for full size image.

Please understand that the playground, picnic tables, bleachers, etc are not open for public use at this time.

Additionally if you have other children from the upper grades that will be picking up younger siblings they should exit the back of the school and join the pickup line.

Lastly if parents and guardians have children in the upper grades that they will be picking up, please instruct them to exit at the rear of the building and proceed directly to your vehicle rather than approaching the pick up line.  It will be helpful of grade 4 and 5 students bring a note to the teacher requesting they be released out the rear of the building.  All other grade 4-5 students will be released out the Case Street entrance.  

Grade 6-12 students will be released out the front entrances unless they are picking up K-3 students.