Health Screening Information

Student Health Screening Information
Posted on 09/12/2020
Attention Parents: Health Screening Required Everyday
All students are required to have a health screening prior to entering the school buildings. The school is asking that parents make every effort to screen their children before sending or bringing them to campus. Our ability to reopen school safely and ability to remain open is truly dependent on parent cooperation with home screening.  Additionally we are strongly recommending using the online screening as this will be the most efficient way for screening to be verified and will expedite student entry in the morning. 

We have also made changes to our drop off and pickup procedures for this year. Please take a few minutes to read about our updated procedures here. 

There are two options for home screening:
1. Online screening, parents answer questions on a 30 second survey. This is our preferred method and it will allow students to enter the building the quickest.

Click Here to Access the Online Health Screening Form

2. Paper slip screening, parents answer questions on a 30 second survey printed on a paper form. The question on the paper screening slip are the same as those on the online survey. Please see the photo of the yellow screening slip. For the first day of school parents choosing to do paper screening must right a handwritten note stating the the child has been screened and can answer no to the screening questions. The school will send home yellow screening slips at the end of the child's first day.

Screening Slip